Homeowners Must Watch Out for These Common Natural Disaster Scams


Living through a natural disaster can be an agonizing and terrifying experience. While such occurrences have been known to bring folks together in support of one another, some seek to take advantage of people when they’re at their most vulnerable. Property owners already reeling from the damage to their homes and grounds are ideal targets for scam artists looking to make a quick buck. Stay wary of such bad actors in the wake of a natural disaster, and watch out for these common scams after a disaster.

Bogus Contractors

It’s common to see individuals claiming to be contractors moving through your neighborhood soon after a natural disaster and offering their services to homeowners. While some of these may be genuine contractors, it’s always safer to be dubious of such unsolicited visits. An offer to repair a damaged roof or clear a fallen tree may seem like a blessing to a distraught homeowner. However, such offers are usually followed by demands of upfront payment by con artists posing as legitimate building contractors who have no intention of completing the job once paid.

Watch out for the following indicators that you might be dealing with a scammer:

  • Demands for upfront payment
  • Claims of special offers
  • Aggressive sales pitches meant to incite fear
  • A lack of references

Failure to furnish professional licenses or proof of a business address

Individuals Posing as FEMA Reps or Insurance Adjusters

Fraudsters often try impersonating insurance agents or FEMA representatives to access their victim’s personal information. They can then use this information to illegally lay claim to government financial assistance or an insurance payout following a natural disaster.

When contacted by an individual claiming to be from your insurance company or FEMA, verify their identity before engaging with them, and call the organization directly if you have the slightest doubt about their honesty. Remember that the only information that homeowners should have to share with insurance adjusters or FEMA reps is their claim number. Fraudsters may also offer to speed up FEMA claims for a small fee, which is obviously a lie since FEMA offers no such paid service to expedite claims.

Fake Charities

Fraudsters often try to play on people’s sympathy following a tragedy by setting up fake charities and demanding donations for those impacted by the unfortunate situation. Ensure that you’re not being taken advantage of by a fake charity by referring to the Better Business Bureau and watchdog sites such as Charity Navigator and CharityWatch, which can help you differentiate between trusted charities and scams. The safest bet is the donate only to well-known charity organizations like The Red Cross and Amaricares.

Watching out for these red flags could help you spot a fraudulent charity:

  • Aggressive demands for donations
  • The lack of contact information for the organization
  • Talk of or raffle or sweepstakes entry upon making a donation
  • Requests for funds to be sent to a P.O. box or via wire transfer
  • Requests for personal or banking information

Responding to a Post Natural Disaster Home Improvement Scam

If you realize that scammers have gotten the better of you following a natural disaster, following these steps may help rectify the situation.

  • Gather all documentation about the scam, such as contracts, bank statements, and correspondence you may have exchanged with the fraudsters.
  • File a criminal complaint with the relevant local authorities. If the police are unable to help, file a claim against the fraudster in small claims court. You don’t need to hire a lawyer to do this, and there’s a good chance this may prompt the scammer to return the money they stole simply to avoid appearing in court.
  • File complaints with the state consumer protection agency, licensing boards, and the Better Business Bureau, and take advantage of inline review sites to spread awareness about ongoing scams.


It is important to be vigilant following a natural disaster to avoid being taken advantage of by con artists looking to make a quick buck. Partnering with a reliable company for your home improvement needs is an excellent way to stay safe and avoid scams. RemodelYourHome is a leader in the home improvement space, with over 20 years of experience pairing homeowners with trustworthy construction experts. We ensure that our customers have access to the right home improvement companies and contractors in their local area for specific needs.

RemodelYourHome will consider your requirements and match you with up to four reliable building contractors in your location. Customers will have the opportunity to vet each professional, read the recent review, and schedule a free, no-obligation appointment to discuss the project and schedule a timeline. Once this is done, it’s just a matter of shortlisting a contractor and starting work on your home.


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